We have been quite blessed with the recent visits of “Donna” as she is appearing pretty much every evening and afternoon for that matter on a daily basis. To see this animal in daylight is a privilege and one that I am trully thankful for. However, we now have a kit, “Brerechan”, an absolute beauty of an animal. It’s very independant as you’d expect from a marten, as it appears on it’s own quite frequently even though just 3-4 month old. The martens are appearing regularly in daylight at present and literally at any time. I’ve had them in at 1200hrs, 1500, 1600, etc but the general core times are between 1800 and 2100.

I originally thought that there were two kits but I am now thinking the images captured on the trail cameras picked up mum, kit and a male. Looking at the bite marks on Donna’s shoulder alludes to some “marten” mating which isn’t always a cosy affair.

More blogs to follow on these wonderful creatures.